Existing UnAided Staffs

Mr.V.SaravananJunior Asst.
Mrs.Gandhimathi RaviselvanJunior Asst.
Mr.A.MahadevanJunior Asst.
Mr.A.RamanathanJunior Asst.
Mrs.G.GeethaJunior Asst.
Mr.T.V.MohanaranganJunior Asst.
Mrs.G.ChitraJunior Asst.
Mr.S.KamarajRecord Clerk(SG)
Mr.D.JanakiramanLaboratory Technician in the category of Laboratory Assistant
Mr.A.G.BabuLaboratory Assistant
Mr.D.RajaramanOffice Assistant (SG)
Mr.K.MuruganOffice Assistant (SG)
Mr.D.PoovarasuOffice Assistant (Hostel)
Mr.M.KarunanidhiLaboratory Attender
Mr.V.ThirukumaranLaboratory Attender
Mr.C.SaravananLaboratory Attender
Mr.K.ParthasarathyLaboratory Attender


News & Events

• STUDENTS' ATTENDANCE - All the students must earn minimum 75% of attendance to appear the University Examinations. It is compulsory. Otherwise, the permission for examination will be denied.